Higura Gainishigi

A passionate woman who believes in the value of education, and its importance to Eorzea. The headmistress of a university, looking to spread a message of peace and harmony in a world that she feels could use a nudge down a better path. Empathizing with the Plight of the Ishgardian Saint Reinette, she seeks to improve the lives of Eorzeans, much as Reinette did for Ishgard.Higura Gainishigi is an ex-Garlean Arcitectus (Magitek Engineer). Her final deployment under the Garleans was the battle of Carteneau, for the XIVth legion. Breaking ties with the Empire, she fled to Eorzea and started a school.In time, she was convinced to join the Eorzean Alliance, her skills with Magitek engineering and familiarity with Garlemald making her an unwilling scout against her prior comrades.Despite her misgivings about the Alliance, she seeks to build a better world for Eorzeans and Garleans both, while using her influence as Headmistress of her University.

Basic Info

Name: Higura GainishigiAliases/Nicknames: The Wolf of Meracydia / Headmistress / HiggieGender: Female.
Age: 31
Race: Miqo'te Seeker of the Sun
Birthplace: Meracydia
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Relationship Preference: Strictly Monogamous
Occupation (Current): School Headmistress
Occupation (Past): Magitek Engineer for the XIVth Legion / Proprietress of a Tavern / Eorzean Alliance Scout
Aligment: Lawful Evil / Chaotic Good
Height: 4 Fulms, 10 Ilms
Weight: 118 Ponze
Hair: Grape purple with Sickly green highlights
Eyes: Magenta
Body Figure: Flat Chested, but otherwise curvy.
Character Vocals: Singing Example


  • Education

  • Othardian Architecture

  • Magitek

  • Eastern Culture

  • Au Ra Women

  • Qiqirn

  • Mice

  • Gaius van Baelsar


  • Zenos yae Galvus

  • Nael van Darnus

  • Ala Mhigans

  • Gyr Abania

  • Elementals of the Black Shroud

  • Thieves

  • Pirates

  • Tofu

Combat Abilities

'Stats' ##
Strength - 3 out of 10
Perception - 6 out of 10
Endurance - 4 out of 10
Charisma - 6 out of 10
Intelligence - 9 out of 10
Agility - 7 out of 10
Luck - 2 out of 10
(## These stats are more of a general overview and may not always be accurately represented based on various situations in RP.)Weapon Proficiency
Gunblades - Proficient
Katana - Proficient
Firearms - Decent
Daggers - Decent
One-handed Sword - Decent
Two-handed Sword - Clumsy
Spears - Clumsy
Axes - Clumsy
Bows - Clumsy
Any Magical Focus - Unable to use

Character Details

Brief History

Hailing from the impenetrable continent to the south, Meracydia, Higura Gainishigi is a woman who keeps much of her past to herself. Beyond casually mentioning her birthplace, she is tight lipped about her upbringing prior to her time in the Garlean Empire.Raised by a wealthy family, she attended the Magitek Academy during her teen years. Upon graduating, she enlisted in the XIVth legion. Participating in many engagements as an Engineer, she had developed a distaste for Gyr Abania and its inhabitants that persists to this day.After her time in the Imperial Legion, she left Garlemald for Eorzea and became the unexpected proprietress of an Ishgardian University, Saint Reinette's. Education became a major focus of hers, wanting to prepare willing students with skills for the future.


Outward appearces would suggest a confident woman who has an air of intelligence about her. She seems to be constantly studying those around her. Her position as headmistress of a school allows her to hold herself professionally in most public situations. She seems to keep up a bit of a guard.Greatly dislikes combat, and killing, but realizes it is a necessary part of life. If not on duty for the Alliance, or doing work for her University, she may be a bit more laid back; especially for those she gets to know. A bookworm, and sometimes a goofball when the situation calls for it; provided you can coax her out of her shell.

Additional Details

Higgie has some unusual qualities to her.She is very gifted in her understanding of Magitek, and Allagan Technology.There appears to have be some relationship between her and Nidhogg prior to his death. She carries a sword made from a scale of his.Her explanation of life events do not chronologically make sense if someone were to look into her life. She's probably hiding something.Unable to cast magicks of any kind, nor able to travel via aetheryte.

RP Hooks

  • Higura is a well-known educator, serving as Headmistress of Saint Reinette's University. She can be approached if someone was looking to learn or study.

  • It's common knowledge that she previously served the Garlean Empire. Other Garleans could recognize her.

  • She used to serve as a member of the Eorzean Alliance, acting as a scout. Other members might recognize her from her previous occupation.

  • Generally seen travelling with a mouse.

Out of Character and Contact info

  • American

  • Aged 30

  • No problem with Mature or Explicit themes

  • Mainly active from 10 PM - to 11 AM (UTC-6)

  • My Free company is In Character.

  • Preferential to Para-RP and Long-term plots and relationships.

  • Discord: Higura

  • Tumblr

Necessary Disclamer / Character Spoilers

Since it's been an issue in the past, I want it mentioned somewhere clearly. Higura is a monster character, a Pudding type of voidsent. This is not something I will ever force on anyone in RP, nor do I let folks even engage in that side of the character unless its something they're interested in. Otherwise she's just a bizarre, ex-garlean school teacher.